by elvis | Mar 19, 2014 | fruit, interesting facts, vegetables
Is it the apple ? Or is it the Orange ? Perhaps the Banana ? Or possibly the Mango ? It’s actually not any of these. They are all definitely big hitters in the world of fruit popularity but none of these are the most popular fruit in the world. The most popular fruit...
by elvis | Sep 18, 2013 | interesting facts, vegetables
Spring is Asparagus Season – YUM, I love it. The only downside is that some people smell like a tom cat when they eat it …and I am one of them ! So why is it that asparagus turns some people’s pee into a stink bomb and others not ?? Well, it’s all got to do with a...
by elvis | Jan 8, 0201 | fruit, interesting facts, Research findings, storage tips, vegetables
A background to Ethylene Gas and its effect on fresh produce. There are 3 key factors in keeping fruits and vegetables fresh; (1). Temperature (2). Humidity, and (3). ETHYLENE control. Temperature and humidity can be managed in the refrigerator although domestic...